The biggest sun bear sanctuary in Indonesia
The Borneo Orangutan Survival sanctuary Samboja Lestari is situated in the Indonesian part of Borneo and is currently the home to over 100 orangutans and over 70 sun bears. The young animals are brought to the BOS rescue centre and are, in most cases, injured, orphaned or even blind. The animals are treated with utmost care and are affectionately taken care of.

In comparison to orangutans, sun bears cannot be released to the wild. Because of their lengthy spells in captivity, sun bears held in captivity have become accustomed to human beings. Therefore, grown-up, sick or injured sun bears having spent a lengthy spell in captivity would only have slim chances of survival. At heart, sun bears are wild animals and deserve species-appropriate care and space to roam around freely. Sun bears can explore the big, naturalistic and pristine outdoor enclosures in the BOS rescue centre.
This is how even more bears will be able to live a bear-friendly life
In the old bear sanctuary only 26 bears had the opportunity of a regular run-out in one of the smaller outdoor enclosures. The other bears spent their days in cages far too small for their needs. Thanks to a lot of generous donations and energetic volunteers from around the word, new cages and a spacious outdoor enclosure were built.
The site, which covers a total area of almost 16 hectares, will become the permanent home of the 60 sun bears from the two BOSF rescue stations Samboja Lestari and Nyaru Menteng. Construction work on the first project began at the end of 2016. The diagram shows the new facility.
In the spring of 2017, 13 sun bears were able to move into the new enclosure. The construction work of all outdoor enclosures and cages is accomplished. Only the new staff house near the new enclosures needs completing. All outdoor enclosures and training facilities bears will allow bears a regular runout.
There is still a beary long way to go!!!
Despite these early successes, there is still a long way to go! In particular, the daily maintenance of the new large facilities and the funds for feeding the bears will amount to almost 7.500 Swiss Francs a month. This is a big challenge since the project is solely financed by donations.
The resuce centre lies in the Indonesian part of the island Borneo (East Kalimantan)

Jay in seinem alten Käfig

Arkana läuft apathisch durch ihr kleines Gehege

Si schaut aus ihrer kleinen Behausung.

Jay in seinem alten Käfig